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Explore Maolin online - breathe in fresh air at Xinwei Forest Park


Previously known as Xinwei Tree Nursery, Xinwei Forest Park was used to grow tropical trees. There were more than 200 tree species at the time, mostly Mahogany, bamboo, and cypress.  

Xinwei Forest Park retains a large Mahogany forest planted in the past. In it, there is a 2km-long hiking trail especially famous for Mahogany trees whose leaves turn yellow in the spring (March & April). When spring breezes blow, leaves of the golden color fall off slowly to the ground, leaving to visitors a beautiful impression. Many would-be brides and grooms like to take their memorial wedding photos there.

★Let’s breathe fresh forest air at home★
It is not easy to travel during the pneumonia outbreak. Do you still fancy walking a Mahogany trail? You may do the following with Maolin National Scenic Area Administration now:

1. Find a quiet, comfortable place at home, perhaps the living room or your cozy bed with pillows
2. Stay in a comfortable position
3. Click the following video with a first-person viewpoint: Mahogany Hiking Trail at Xinwei Forest Park
4. Relax and start a visual forest tour at Xinwei Forest Park

★Click the link to watch “Breathing Fresh Air in Xinwei Forest Park”
Imagine walking in a Mahogany forest. Enjoy the rustling sounds of fallen leaves and sunshine in the forest. ─ Let’s take a deep breath and breathe forest air at home.

★ About Sens Cafe ★
Welcome to Sens Cafe after a walk in the forest. Try a cup of Aiyu jelly served with crispy plums, or enjoy “Funny Face” iced lemon tea. Take a rest with family and friends on a bench at the wooden viewing platform, and feel soothingly embraced by forests and shades.

Last Update:2021-10-20

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