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Safety Watch


Avoid the following areas when choosing a campsite:

  1. Avoid camping at riversides, on riverbeds, or sandbanks. The weather may change dramatically during the night and water levels may rise quickly.
  2. Avoid camping under isolated trees, which might be hit by lightning. Also, avoid camping next to cliffs to avoid falling rocks, trees, or landslides.
  3. Avoid camping near dense bushes or weeds, which may contain insects and snakes.

Please take notice the following while camping:

  1. Position your camp away and upwind from ditches and toilets.
  2. Do not litter, do not dump sewage improperly, picking flowers and chopping trees are prohibited.
  3. Do not smoke, light candles, burn oil lamps or mosquito incense inside tents.
  4. Watch your children closely.

Water Sports

  1. Deep pools, eddies, rapids, and dangerous objects are often hidden in rivers, streams and outdoor bodies of water, making them dangerous and unpredictable. When engaging in water recreation activities, the venue should be safe, legal and have lifeguards present.
  2. When engaging in water recreation activities, visitors should first evaluate their own physical conditions and the water environment. Approach the water with caution to avoid danger.
  3. Do not engage in water activities after drinking alcohol. Anyone with heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy or other diseases that make it dangerous to engage in water activities should first consider whether their health and physical fitness are suitable to take part in such activities.
  4. The body of water and the area around it are often wet and slippery, which can easily result in injury.
  5. Do not engage in water recreation activities in areas where there are signs indicating “Prohibited,” “Do not” play in the water or swim, or “Water is deep and dangerous.” Follow the precautions indicated on the surrounding signs.
  6. When engaging in water recreation activities, warm up properly, wear life jackets and use other safety equipment.
  7. Children should not play in the water unaccompanied and always keep an eye on the safety of family members, friends and pets.
  8. When engaging in water recreation activities, be careful to avoid heat stroke.
  9. In the event of a typhoon warning, rain, lightning, earthquakes and strong winds, do not engage in water recreation activities; in addition, when government agencies designate rivers and wild streams as dangerous do not engage in water activities and follow instructions from police officer and firefighters to evacuate the area.
  10. Do not violate restrictions or prohibitions announced by water area recreation activities management agencies on the scope, time and behavior of related water areas.
  11. When engaging in water recreation activities, pay close attention to the weather and the upstream water situation to avoid being trapped or washed away by flood water.
  12. Do not pollute the water when engaging in water recreation activities.
  13. When engaging in water recreation activities choose a legal operator that is legally registered, offers insurance coverage and provides qualified lifeguard coaches or lifeguards (depending on the type of activity).
  14. Confirm the safety and effectiveness of equipment provided by the operator, familiarize with how to use such equipment, and follow the instructions of coaches and or lifeguards.
  15. Water recreation activities should comply with related laws, regulations and precautions.
  16. If someone is drowning, shout for help. People have not learned water lifesaving techniques should not rush into the water to try and save someone in distress; check whether there are lifelines, life buoys, bamboo poles or other items that can be used to facilitate shore rescue, and call 119 immediately to seek the help of the fire department.

Mountain climbing

  1. Plan well in advance, do not climb spontaneously.
  2. Do not hike alone. It is suggested to go in the company of experienced climbers.
  3. Inform family or friends of your plans.
  4. Always make sure of your position to avoid getting lost.
  5. Be well equipped and make good use of the equipment.
  6. Climb only according to your capability and condition.
  7. Know the weather forecast and be prepared for changes.

Last Update:2024-09-03

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