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XinWei Visitor Center

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Liouguei District

Showers or thunderstorms(Liouguei District)


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  • XinWei Visitor Center-1 XinWei Visitor Center-2 XinWei Visitor Center-3 XinWei Visitor Center-4 XinWei Visitor Center-5

    XinWei Visitor Center

The Xinwei Visitor Center sits in the north of the 45km mark of the Provincial Highway No. 28. It serves as the administrative office of the Maolin National Scenic Area.

The office building and the two visitor centers in Maolin and the Eighteen Arhats Mountain were severely damaged due to Typhoon Morakot in 2009. During the recovery process, the administrative team took factors such as location and convenience into consideration and, in the end, arrived at the decision to set up a visitor center at the current location. It also decided to base its office there to better serve visitors.

The center features a wide range of facilities, including a barrier-free information desk, multipurpose exhibition areas, multimedia rooms, lactation rooms, prayer rooms, book circulation stations, and charging stations. What is more, Mahogany Avenue, which is said to be the most beautiful and most popular of its kind, is only a stone’s throw away. It is a place for everyone, ranging from senior citizens who enjoy relaxing strolls to photographers who love taking photos of Mother Nature and even couples who want to take beautiful wedding photos.

Visitors are recommended to spend 30 minutes to an hour in this place, where they can find tourism information or simply enjoy a walk along the Mahogany Avenue nearby. 

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OutingTourist briefingTourist servicesAccessible ToiletAccessible Parking


NO. Xinwei 171, Xinwei Li, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City



  • Longitude/Latitude:120.62280/22.89067
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    Last Update:2023-10-25

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