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Miaotong Temple

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Liouguei District

Showers or thunderstorms(Liouguei District)


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    Miaotong Temple

The Miaotong Temple is on Baojian Road in Baolai Village of Liugui District. It is the most popular Buddhist temple in the region, and many pilgrims visit there during weekends or holidays.

The towering temple features an orange roof and white building, which stands in sharp contrast with the lush green mountains in the background. Flowers and trees dotted around the temple building, and everything on the temple ground is neatly ordered, creating a place that reminds people of the Buddhist paradise.

Situating in a mountain valley with the Laonong River weaving its way through the bottom, the temple is safely tucked away and shielded from all worldly matters. It is literally a paradise on earth.

Visitors are recommended to spend one and a half hours here to appreciate the temple building and the beauty of religious arts.

Travel info
Travel type

Sight seeingMt. climbingPilgrimage


No. 62, Bao Chen Road, Liugui Dist., Kaohsiung City



Traffic Information

From Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 27, connect to Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 20 and drive through Laonong to reach the destination.

  • Longitude/Latitude:120.68564/23.10077
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    Last Update:2023-10-25

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