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Liugui Dongxi Bridge

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Liouguei District

Partly cloudy(Liouguei District)


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    Liugui Dongxi Bridge

The Dongxi Bridge is located on Provincial Highway No. 27. The bridge is 131 meters in length and seven meters in width. Unfortunately, it collapsed in 2004 when Typhoon Mindulle hit Taiwan. The typhoon caused the Laonong River to overflow, destroying the bridge as a result. Luckily, with assistance and donations from the China Steel Corporation, a Taiwanese company, the bridge was rebuilt the next year and has continued serving people in Liugui District since then.

Casting your eyes over the horizons from the Provincial Highway No. 27, you will see a red arch bridge with girders resembling two handles of a basket lifting the deck up, and that is the Dongxi Bridge. Sitting against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, the bridge radiates liveliness.

Visitors are recommended to spend about ten minutes on the bridge to take in the scenery of rivers on both sides of the bridge. 

Last Update:2023-10-25

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