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Shiba Luohan Shan Service Area

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Liouguei District

Partly cloudy(Liouguei District)


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    Shiba Luohan Shan Service Area

The Eighteen Arhats Mountain Visitor Center is located near the 5km mark of Provincial Highway No. 27, right beside the Laonong River. It was renovated by the Maolin National Scenic Area Office and the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, and now includes shops, toilets, and a landmark bridge spanning across the Laonong River and reaching a tableland in the south. From the bridge, visitors can appreciate the natural beauty from different angles, including the Laonong River, wind-carved rock formations, and picturesque mountains.

To get a comprehensive understanding of the Eighteen Arhats Mountain, consider booking tour guide services from the Nature and Culture Association of the Eighteen Arhats Mountain. With explanations offered by professional tour guides, you can better understand the culture and history of the place. Those who want to visit the preservation zone should apply for permits from the Pingtung Forest District Office five days in advance. Visitors are recommended to spend an hour exploring the area. 

Last Update:2022-07-14

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