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Come to Xinwei to Appreciate Liugui Mountain City and 100 Years of Lishan Culture


In the spring of 2023, the Maolin National Scenic Area Administration is organizing the "100 Years of Lishan Culture" exhibition, combining Liugui forestry and cultural tourism. At 10 am, January 18, 2023, a tea party was held on the second floor of the Xinwei Visitor Center, where the curator personally explained the rise of Liugui's century-old forestry industry.

This exhibition will be held from January 18 to April 16, 2023, and exhibit "Images of the Geographical Environment and Ethnic Groups in Liugui," "The Glorious Forestry Era," "Liugui Lishan Cultural Partner Economy" and other themes. There is also a collection of precious old antiques and old photos of the security codons. People who are interested can visit from the Chinese New Year until spring break and don’t forget to drop by the Xinwei Visitor Center to enjoy the "100 Years of Lishan Culture" exhibition. Visitors are supporting tourism tailored to achieve environmental sustainable development.

Last Update:2023-02-14

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